How to get my ex girlfriend back from a new boyfriend

How to get my ex girlfriend back from a new boyfriend

When a guy gets dumped for being too clingy and needy, his woman will usually then hook up with a new guy who is more confident than him.

The new guy might not be perfect, but she will focus on his good qualities and overlook any flaws, so she can get caught up in the thrill of falling in love.

However, that doesn’t mean that her ex guy has no chance with her anymore.

I’ve worked on many cases like that and here’s a summary of what one of the guys that I helped did to get his ex woman back:

  1. He stopped thinking insecure thoughts like, “I don’t know what to do without her. I feel lost. She was my whole world and now I have nothing worth living for,” and started thinking confident thoughts like, “Yes, I miss her and want her back, but I don’t need her to have a happy, fulfilling life. I have my own goals, interests, hobbies and friends to keep me busy. Life is good with or without her. I want her back, but I don’t need her.”
  2. He started having more fun in his life and letting her see that by posting photos on social media of himself having a good time with friends, attending music festivals or sporting events, traveling and doing other exciting things.
  3. He called her on the phone, made her smile and laugh and made her feel sparks of attraction for him again.
  4. He got her to agree to meet up with him to say hello as friends.How to get my ex girlfriend back from a new boyfriend
  5. At the meet up he maintained his confidence around her, even when she was by being cold and mean towards him.
  6. He focused on building on her feelings of respect, attraction and love for him by behaving in some of the ways that are naturally attractive to women (e.g. confident, self-assure, charismatic, charming, emotionally masculine).
  7. He ended the meet up with a warm goodbye hug and a kiss and left her feeling confused about her feelings for her new guy.
  8. A few days later he called her and sparked her feelings for him some more.How to get my ex girlfriend back from a new boyfriend
  9. She met up with him again, they had sex and she then said that she’d been missing him.
  10. She then broke up with her new boyfriend and came back to her ex.