What Is Muthkarni?

What is Muthkarni?

Muthkarni Kriya is a pure form of black magic and can be used for doing vashikaran or black magic on a male or female. Muthkarni Kriya involves use of sperm(veerya), honey and some belonging of the target person such as cloth, hair, nail, sweat and saliva etc. If you do not have any belonging of the target person then photo and name can also be used but the condition is that you and the target person should know each other and should have met face to face. Muthkarni kriya can only be done by a tantrik therefore you should not try to do it yourself as it required years of experience in tantric practices.

Muthkarni Kriya to take revenge from an enemy:- Muthkarni kriya is a type of black magic which can be used to take revenge from black magic. According to ancient books this kriya can make your enemy’s life as hell therefore you should use this muthkarni vidya only if you have no other option left.

Muthkarni Mantra vidya for vashikaran of a girl or boy:- Nowadays, Muthkarni kriya is being widely used to convince, impress and attract the desired male or female.

Muthkarni Vashikaran and Kala Jadu to get lost love back:- Getting your lost love back and winning the lost faith and trust back is possible by muthkarni vashikaran and kala jadu. If your girlfriend or boyfriend is getting away from you or you have already faced breakup with your lover then don’t feel upset and failed because muthkarni kriya can bring him or her back to you.

Muthkarni Muslim Kriya on wife : Muthkarni muslim kriya is done on wife if husband is not getting complete satisfaction in marital life. If your wife is not showing desired interest in you or if she is attracted toward any other man then muthkarni kriya’s immediate help can bring peace, harmoney and satisfaction from your wife’s side.